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Sunday, June 12, 2016

What is The Difference between Science and Technology?

Science is theoretical knowledge about anything and technology is application of that knowledge to produce new machines. We hear both these words mostly together and we start to think that they are same. Science is knowledge while technology is practical application of knowledge. To understand this let us take an example:  newton is very famous for his laws of motion and gravitation, these laws are science. Using these principles hundreds of machines are formed, these machines are technology.  Newton’s laws are applicable on motion of all large bodies. Even the rockets that led humans to the moon were based on newton’s laws.  So the basic difference between technology and science is of knowledge and application of knowledge.

The question that automatically rises in our minds is that which one is more important, technology or science. There is probability that most people will say technology is more useful. We use technology to facilitate our lives but science is only knowledge, if they are familiar with aforementioned definition.  However, in reality science is more important than technology. Most of the noble prizes were awarded to those who discovered some new scientific principle. Second it is science that enables us to build new technologies. Now we see different kind of batteries around us, Batteries of different shape, purpose and material, but they are all based on one scientific principle coulomb’s law. So that law is behind the formation of batteries and batteries are essential component of our lives. Our almost every device is somehow related to battery. So it is science that rules rather than technology.  However, importance of technology cannot be diminished.
The basic aim of all human knowledge is to understand and control environment
We are living in a world where we are surrounded by science and technology. It is important that we should know what main difference between the two is. Although we are familiar with this difference in physical sciences, but when it comes in the domain of computer science the difference is blur. There is no clear-cut boundary that can distinguish the science and technology. So computer software is knowledge in written form but is also applicable in practical life. Computer software or application is technology and science at the same time. A computer scientist can be called both a scientist as well as an engineer. Science is worthless without technology and technology cannot be produced without knowing the basic concepts behind it.
This debate will lead us to another realm that it is technology that is produced earlier or it is science that is earlier. My answer to this question is it that both these things are mutually existent. There are some scientific ideas that were just introduced because of prior existence of technology. Appropriate technology was available that helped in discovery of knowledge. Similarly on the other hand scientific principles were discovered and then we were able to form new technology.  So they both are mutually responsible for each other’s creation.  Humans wondered about the world around them and they also developed tools to explore and control this world. All our knowledge is about controlling our environment.

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